JANESVILLE, WI — As part of the organization’s recognition and celebration of Black History Month, the Janesville Jets announced Monday a donation campaign benefiting YWCA Rock County. For each goal the Jets score in their seven games in the month of February, the Jets will donate $25 to YWCA Rock County.
“The Janesville Jets are enjoying our chance to listen and share stories from the Black hockey community this month, and we’re excited to add an action element to how we’re celebrating Black History Month,” said Vice President of Business Development Mason Lyttle. “YWCA Rock County’s work for racial justice in our backyard, our organization’s commitment to local initiatives, and of course the opportunity to raise money while scoring goals made this campaign a fun way to get more involved.”
As part of the Racial Justice and Immigrant Outreach program, YWCA Rock County is a part of the national movement of more than 200 YWCAs working to eliminate racism. For more information about YWCA Rock County and how to get involved, visit www.ywcarockcounty.org.
The Jets have played and won their first two games of their seven-game schedule in February, raising $200 already in donations. Fans can visit www.HockeyTV.com to watch the Jets’ remaining February games on February 19, 20, 25, 27, and 28.

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