JANESVILLE, WI — SSM Health and the Janesville Jets hockey team celebrated World Read Aloud Day with a flurry of activity in Rock County on Wednesday.
Janesville Jets players and SSM Health representatives visited Jefferson Elementary School. Others traveled to Lincoln Elementary, Adams Elementary, and Kennedy Elementary. The Jets will also visit Wilson Elementary on Thursday morning.
“I absolutely love returning to Jefferson, my former elementary school, to spend time with the students and to show them how fun reading can be,” said SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital – Janesville President Eric Thornton.
SSM Health Community Health Worker Wendy Bianchetti also read to students.
“Literacy is a vital component of daily life, and teaching children to practice and build a love of reading is so important for our community’s future,” she said.
SSM Health supports the Janesville Jets Reading Club, an incentive-based literacy program for Rock County students. As part of the Club, kids who ‘score’ their reading goals receive four tickets for a special hockey game.
“This year’s Reading Club Night game will take place on March 10, and we’re really excited to welcome students and their families to the rink,” said Janesville Jets Director of Media Calvin Bush.
To further celebrate literacy, all children who attend the Reading Club game on March 10 will receive a free book light while supplies last.