Sponsor Spotlight is a new weekly profile series that will help fans know more about the Jets’ community partners and the stories they have.
Kim Jacobs — General Manager, Baymont Inn
Years with Baymont: 22
Born in Detroit, Michigan, which makes me a Detroit Red Wings fan. Moved to Wisconsin in 1994. Helped prepare the Janesville Baymont Inn for its grand opening on January 21, 1995.
What does your relationship with the Jets mean to you?
Baymont’s relationship with the Jets means our management, employees, and our guests appreciate the chance to attend the Janesville Jets games. Baymont has the opportunity to host a sponsor night this year at the rink, which allows us to show support for the Jets and let the community know we are there for them. It also allows us to showcase what Baymont has to offer.
In your opinion, what do the Jets mean as an asset to the community?
The Jets, with their involvement in community projects, their on and off-ice play, and display of good sportsmanship, do a good job of presenting that Janesville is a good place to live.
What are some of your favorite experiences at Jets games?
The camaraderie is always awesome, but our favorite are always the Skate with the Jets nights.
What does it mean to you to have season tickets for your staff and guests?
Having season tickets allows us to pass along a nice, added perk to our guests and employees.
Any other comments you’d like to make as the official hotel partner of the Janesville Jets?
As the official hotel partner, we would like to give a big “GO JETS!” and thank you for providing the community with excellent and affordable entertainment.